Sick of not being able to code yourself and failing?

Discover a new method to stay consistent.

The 100DaysOfCode journal will help you track your progress, topics you learnt, projects you build, and your journey, at one PLACE.

I went from a gaming addict to a front-end developer and solopreneur.

What's so special about my experience and insights?




people reached


Satisfied beginners

Modules designed to accelerate your growth.

20+ modules, each with a unique purpose of making you progress faster and stay on track with your coding journey.

Complete day wise tracker

Track each day and write about your progress about topics

+ Datewise tracker

Set phase-wise goals

Easier goal setting with time distribution.

+ Video modules

Grow your audience

8 extra modules to help you understand networking and content

+ Tools I use

A year ago I escaped the beginner-hell and I want you to do it today.

Built for your transformation from a newbie → to an expert.

Action steps

I believe in execution, it consists of action steps in every module to get you started asap.

Progress tracking

Tracking what you did, and want to do, is crucial for progress, this makes it way easier.

Personal Tips

I believe in helping people 2 steps behind me, which is why I give you personal tips along the guide.

Build in public

Contains 8 extra modules to help you grow on Twitter and build an audience alongside.

What do top developers have to say?

This 100DaysOfCode journal will revolutionize your coding journey, providing structure, accountability, and motivation. It will help you track your progress, learn new concepts, and stay focused, ultimately leading to tangible growth.

Csaba Kissi

Solopreneur,25+ years experience

Atharva is focused on providing valued content to his audience, his 100 Days Of Code journal is a useful tool to help you learn to code more effectively and stay consistent with your journey, especially the tracking feature to check your progress.

Ali Calimli

Frontend developer and builder

This journal is so unique! I explored it thoroughly, and I can assure you this product is definitely going to help so many beginners to start their 100DaysOfCode journey. I wish I got this journal while starting my own journey.

Pushkaraj Kulkarni

Freelance developer

I like the concept of a roadmap with a ready-to-follow template that can help beginners in their journey, highly recommend anybody starting out.

Poonam Soni

Web Developer and AI writer

Been following him for almost a year now, he is consistent with the quality he delivers to the audience, excited to see what he comes up with next.


Senior Developer

I had the opportunity to try out the journal myself, has been a game-changer when it comes to consistency, only if I had gotten this earlier.


Through Testing Phase

Start your journey today.

Explore the 100DaysOfCode journal, progress at a faster rate and get closer to your dream of becoming a developer.

Basic Journal

$7 USD

  • 10 Modules ✅
  • Video Explanations
  • 2x 100DaysOfCode Journal ✅
  • Goal setting and task tracker
  • Personal Tips and Experiences
  • Build-in-public short guide ✅
  • 1 mentorship call with me ❌
  • Full month of calls with me ❌

Plus Journal

$27 USD

  • 18+ Modules
  • Video explanations
  • 2x 100DaysOfCode journals
  • Goal setting and task tracker
  • Personal Tips and Experiences
  • 1 mentorship call with me
  • Build-in-Public full guide ✅
  • Full month of calls with me ❌

Ultimate Journal

$67 USD

  • 18+ Modules ✅
  • Video explanations ✅
  • 2x 100DaysOfCode journals ✅
  • Goal setting and task tracker✅
  • Personal Tips and Experiences✅
  • 4 mentorship calls with me ✅
  • Build-in-Public guides ✅
  • A month's worth of progress review ✅

(4 spots left)


I took your free journal, what is the difference between the both?

The journal I gave away for free contains only selective modules which will not get updated overtime, on the other hand, the paid journal contains video explanations, build in public modules (even in the $10 version) + some extra modules which have the secrets to progressing in your journey.

Do you have any hidden charges, and lifetime access?

Not at all, once you purchase any version of the journal, you have access to all the things available, you can upgrade to the next version of the journal too, email me for refunds :)

How can a journal help me progress?

I have done the 100DaysOfCode challenge 3 times, and I am here today because of building in public, you will not only track progress, but also set goals and make task lists on the way, which helps you stay on your path.

I am a beginner, will this work for me?

The Journal is especially intended for people who are just starting out, if you are a beginner, this will give a head start to your journey, although I recommend you to just start learning first, if you haven't, and then track your progress through the journal.

I fail every time I try to code myself, how can this help me?

I have been through this a lot, when I talk about goal setting, I have explained you the exact process of how it works, how you can build projects and even a seperate module dedicated to my personal experiences and tips.

Atharva Hinge

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